Well today I volenteered to help out at Lauren's preschool. They are having a Fall Festival and I will have 4 children that are all 3 years old to watch and play games with. I have never watched 4 children at one time and 3 years old. So please keep your fingers crossed I don't come back with bald spots in my hair LOL.
Let's hope I don't get the mean kid either that bites because there is alittle girl in her class that bites and has bit Lauren 2 times now. I might be tempted if I do get her to pull her aside and try to put the fear of god in her or should I say the Fear Of Lauren's Mom LMBO.
I also signed hubby up for it to so let's hope he can take it. I thought he might get a little taste of what us mom's go through;) I'm so bad :)