Friday, May 9, 2008

My Thoughts

I have been thinking alot latley and I have been spending much time at my machine. I left my group of girls SweetStreet and I will be cutting back alot on my sewing to spend time with Lauren. I didn't want to wake up one day and my princess be 18 and wonder where the time went and why I didn't spend more time with her. My baby will be 4 on the 25th of this month and I want her to have wonderful memories of her childhood with mom and dad unlike me. I do spoil her rotten but you know money and items can't fill those little spots of time cuddling playing games, reading etc etc. So go grab your child and spend some time with them.


Anonymous said...

I totally understand how you feel. I keep saying the same thing. I really am a workaholic and always need to be busy. It is soo hard to slow down and enjoy time with your kids when you are programmed to work, work, work. Good luck with your move and thanks for sharing your blog with us. Enjoy your time with Lauren. She is getting so big!

Lynn said...

Oh girl!

You are gonna make me cry reading that post! I SOOO feel the same. Chloe just had her 5th bday...the time is flying. I want to do something special with her tomorrow now...I should feel like this everyday.


The Home School Princess said...


See my blog to find out what to do next!!!

Hugs, Sheri

Lauren said...

Good for you, Johnett. I have also cut back in the last year to spend more time with my kids. You will never get these years back.

I miss you bunches...keep in touch, you have my e-mail.


couture*4*my*cutie said...

So true, Johnett! Thanks for the little reminder :)
