8 Reasons You Should Buy Handmade Products over Commercial Products
1. Handmade products are unique. Do you really want the same scarf, mug, earrings, necklace or other item that 20,000 other people have? Of course not! Handmade items are always unique, even if they are the same type of product because they are not made by machines they are crafted by human beings so each piece will have its’ own unique characteristics.
2. Handmade items have personality. Life is not about being blah. Life is about expressing yourself and to do that your things need to have as much personality as you do. If you are happy with buying mass produced items that have no personality off a shelf at Wal Mart think about what that says about you. Don’t you want to express some personality?
3. Handmade items are special. When you get a gift don’t you feel a little bit more loved when someone gives you a handmade gift? Everyone loves getting handmade gifts or wearing something that was made just for them.
4. Handmade items last longer. Because they are made from high quality materials and handcrafted by trained artists items that are handmade last longer than low quality imported mass produced items.
5. Handmade goods are high quality. If you are a person who values the quality of an item more than the price then you already know that handmade items are far superior to mass produced items. While a mass produced item may be cheaper initially is it really cheaper when the item needs to be replaced a month later? When quality matters, go handmade!
6. Handmade items are not made by children in sweatshops in Third World countries making 10 cents a day. Experienced and trained craftspeople make each handmade item. So while you might pay a few dollars more for a handmade item it’s because you are paying for quality materials, years of experience, artistic talent, and well-honed craftsmanship. Isn’t that worth paying for?
7. When you buy handmade you are supporting traditional arts and crafts techniques that have passed down through generations. In today’s high tech world the old arts and crafts traditions are being replaced by mass production but when you buy handmade you are saying that you prefer your items to be high quality pieces of art instead of mass produced trinkets.
8. When you buy handmade you are supporting local and small businesses. By paying artists and craftspeople for their goods you are supporting them and all the businesses that they do business with. If you are a person who believes in supporting your community economically then buying from local artists is a great way to support your community and make sure that your money goes to support local businesses.
Keep these things in mind the next time you see a scarf, a bracelet, some great handmade soap or other item and think,” I could get that for half price at Wal Mart.”!
Friday, December 21, 2007
Lots of Listngs on Etsy
I have listed alot of my favorite past designs on Etsy most I have just enough material for one more custom set. Besure to check them out don't let them slip away between your fingers
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Christmas Tree Lights Has LEAD
I read this on one of my groups and thought everyone should know this information. Here is the link to CNN News talking about it.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Introducing Tink

We picked up Lauren's Christmas present yesterday. Lauren named her Tink. She is 6 weeks old Saint Bernard puppy. She is a good little thing has not had any accidents whines when she needs to go potty and we were up every hour on the hour last night taking her out. So she is a keeper and Lauren loves her.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
I can do alot but
Well my neighbors are adopting a baby girl. The mother is due anytime now. So I decided I am gonna make the baby something. Well I decided I am going to make the baby a quilt to go over her carseat.
I can make clothing,hand smock,applique, I can pretty much sew anything. But I will be the first to tell you I am NOT A QUILTER I will never ever try it again LMBO It looks cute on one side but the other looks like it was my first time sewing LOL.
I tried I learned Iwill not try again! So my hat goes off to the people who quilt
I can make clothing,hand smock,applique, I can pretty much sew anything. But I will be the first to tell you I am NOT A QUILTER I will never ever try it again LMBO It looks cute on one side but the other looks like it was my first time sewing LOL.
I tried I learned Iwill not try again! So my hat goes off to the people who quilt
Friday, December 7, 2007
Some of you know I sell on etsy also. I am haveing a sale in my store on etsy 10% off any of my clothing in my store. Check it out
Thursday, December 6, 2007
New Puppy
Well I was all ready to go to GA to get the puppy when this morning I get a e-mail from the breeder saying she had sold a female. Well there was only 2 females and she had told me we get pick of the two. I was livid I had booked the hotels hubby arranged to be off work etc etc. There is 2 things I can not tolerate people who lie or steal.So we went to the next town over put a deposit down on a St. Benard puppy. Lauren wanted to bring 5 home So after 2 1/2 hrs of trying to decide and talking we picked out a fuzzy female. We can go get her on the 16th of this month.I asked Lauren what she wanted to name her She said hummmm Popcorn LMBO I said pretty we got to think of a better name than that she is a girl LOL So we have to come up with a name. I will post pictures when we get her.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Take Pictures You need this
I found this website through a group I am on and if you take pictures you need to look at this site. They have the coolest straps for your camera. Also it will help identify your camera really easy;) Gonna put one on my Christmas list
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Chocolate Dot Pincushion
Saturday, November 24, 2007
New Listing on ETSY

I listed this overstuffed pincushion on Etsy I think it is Shabby Chic I used a Vintage button for the center that has rhinestones in it and chenille for the bottom wit ha fabric covered button for the center Check it out a fantastic price.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Retro Christmas

I just listed this adorable set with loads of details. Custom size 3T-6.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Halloween pumpkin
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Happy Halloween
I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Halloween. Tomorrow will be a crazy busy day wit hsewing and getting everything ready for Lauren. Please be safe and watch all the children who will most likly not paying attention as they will be to excited. Share some pictures of your sweeties in their costume. I will have to get some of Lauren tomorrow
Friday, October 26, 2007
Wish Me Luck
Well today I volenteered to help out at Lauren's preschool. They are having a Fall Festival and I will have 4 children that are all 3 years old to watch and play games with. I have never watched 4 children at one time and 3 years old. So please keep your fingers crossed I don't come back with bald spots in my hair LOL.
Let's hope I don't get the mean kid either that bites because there is alittle girl in her class that bites and has bit Lauren 2 times now. I might be tempted if I do get her to pull her aside and try to put the fear of god in her or should I say the Fear Of Lauren's Mom LMBO.
I also signed hubby up for it to so let's hope he can take it. I thought he might get a little taste of what us mom's go through;) I'm so bad :)
Let's hope I don't get the mean kid either that bites because there is alittle girl in her class that bites and has bit Lauren 2 times now. I might be tempted if I do get her to pull her aside and try to put the fear of god in her or should I say the Fear Of Lauren's Mom LMBO.
I also signed hubby up for it to so let's hope he can take it. I thought he might get a little taste of what us mom's go through;) I'm so bad :)
Sunday, October 21, 2007
"Euro Sherbet"

I listed this today. Such yummy colors and a little different than normally I use.
http://cgi.ebay.com/Custom-Boutique-SweetStreet-Euro-Sherbet-SZ-12M-5-CBD_W0QQitemZ170161136037QQihZ007QQcategoryZ79714QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItemI also have some sets Lauren just modeled for other designers listed and a Babby Gassy Gooma fur coat listed so go check them out and get a deal.
Monday, October 15, 2007
I'm it:)
I got tagged by Mary of hoganfe how fun:)
Here are the rules which you must abide by if you are tagged:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself: some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them).
4. Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment at their blogs.
Ok.. 7 random things about me…
.1) Love to design
2) I am a stay at home mom
3) I use to work at a flower shop
4) I use to be a swimsuit model
5) I have fibromyalgia
6) I spoil Lauren Rotten
7)I over buy for Lauren LOL
Now I have to get to tagging…hmmm.
Cree http://bowznstuff.blogspot.com/
Michelle http://boutiquebuyersblog.blogspot.com/
Patty http://www.modkidboutique.blogspot.com/
Amie http://in-real-life.blogspot.com/
Amelia http://ameliasfb.typepad.com/
Angie http://thatfunkyboutique.blogspot.com/
Emily http://www.veralana.blogspot.com/
Here are the rules which you must abide by if you are tagged:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself: some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them).
4. Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment at their blogs.
Ok.. 7 random things about me…
.1) Love to design
2) I am a stay at home mom
3) I use to work at a flower shop
4) I use to be a swimsuit model
5) I have fibromyalgia
6) I spoil Lauren Rotten
7)I over buy for Lauren LOL
Now I have to get to tagging…hmmm.
Cree http://bowznstuff.blogspot.com/
Michelle http://boutiquebuyersblog.blogspot.com/
Patty http://www.modkidboutique.blogspot.com/
Amie http://in-real-life.blogspot.com/
Amelia http://ameliasfb.typepad.com/
Angie http://thatfunkyboutique.blogspot.com/
Emily http://www.veralana.blogspot.com/
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Finally Done
I am finally done with the silk set. I will get pictures on Sat. I had to make a appointment for my hubby's studio can you believe that LOL. What happened to what ever the wife needs the wife gets LOL. Oh well that is a good thing I had to make one means he is busy. Once I get pictures I will post them and a link to the auction.
I feel much better now still have a little cough Lauren went to school on Monday so she is better to still has a tiny little bit of cough but I am thinking she is doing it because I cough. Everytime I do cough Lauren says Bless you mommy How sweet is that:)
I feel much better now still have a little cough Lauren went to school on Monday so she is better to still has a tiny little bit of cough but I am thinking she is doing it because I cough. Everytime I do cough Lauren says Bless you mommy How sweet is that:)
Friday, October 5, 2007
Been Sick
Sorry I have not updated my blog in awhile. I thought I had the flue but ended up with a upper respitory infection. Came home with 5 different meds ended up allergic two of them and in the ER. But I was feeling a little better and decided to write something :) Lauren has missed school all week she has a bad cold but I think she will be able to go back on Monday. Keepig my fingers crossed.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Been So Busy
Sorry I have not been around. Things have been so busy around here. Hubby opened his studio been helping out there some the past 2 Sats. Lauren and preschool I volenteered to help out and they are haveing fun and games for Halloween. I have been still working on the silk set it is coming along slow but good. I ran out of trim I was short 1/2 yard had to go get it. Learning to use the ruffler foot I finally broke down and bought for my new machine as the hand gathering was not working on the silk. Today we are going to the pumpkin patch to let Lauren pick her pumpkin out for Halloween. This will be the first year she picks it out all by herself. Last night she said she needed 10 pumpkins LOL So we will see how many we come home with LOL
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
New Family addition
We had went to the shelter and got Lauren a kitten to play with. Well needless to say that thing was crazy and went back to the shelter. It would just attack you for no reason. I think it need some prozac or something. The last straw was Lauren was laying on her fav blanket on the floor watching her shows and the cat jumped on her face and started bitting her hand. Poor Lauren was crying and the cat went back right then. So we was going to get another kitten and was ready to go home with a fuzzy gray one that was nice and in it's right mine. But that kitten went back as Lauren seen a puppy. So that is what we came home with a puppy. It is part black lab good little puppy and Lauren calls her Girly. I will post some pictures of Lauren and Girly digging in the dirt together yesterday. It was so funny dirt flying everywhere. Lauren was giggling and they were covered. Both got a bath as soon as we came in.
So I have been working on a outfit inbetween customs and everything else. It is silk and will be something for Christmas a wedding or just because she wants to look Fab. I have been having a hard time with the darn ruffle.Tried the dreaded ruffler foot that thing drives me insane. I pull it out every once and awhile and know why it stays in that drawer everytime LOL. So here I sit with a needle and thread running a gathering stitch. I tried to do it on my machine but just didn't work. So maybe before Lauren out grows the outfit it will be done
Friday, September 7, 2007
The Quiltmobile

This is some sewing and a serious quilter LOL Made by Anne Fitts of The Crazy Quilters Guild in Port St. Lucie. The Quiltmobile is an advertisement for the upcoming quilt show. There are directions and flyers attached to card for show information. Screens cover the windows there is a zipper for the doors to open. The car is driven around town but at no more than 45 mph. The flags on the front and back windshield are removed. The Cathedral Window block flips up for refilling gas.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Lauren's First day of Preschool

Oh it was a sad day for mom and dad. But a exciting day for Lauren. I bawled I was sick to my stomach and shaking after I dropped her off at school. Hubby cried to he said we were a couple of big babbies and yes I admit it LOL. I couldn't stand it anymore I had to go check on her after a couple hours. She was outside playing when I went the assistant was outside with them. I talked to her teacher she said Lauren is doing great but she put Lauren in time out. Lauren hit and pushed 2 children and I was shocked Lauren never ever hits or push and she knows this. But the teacher said she did fine in time out and sat there all good. Then Lauren went and told the 2 children she was sorry and gave them both a hug. I would have done the same to Lauren ;) I was shocked she did what she did and the teacher said sometimes in a big group emotions come out they never had before. But anyways I can pick my little princess up in a hour so I am watching the clock LOL. Here is a picture of her in her first day of school outfit.
Saturday, September 1, 2007
I have been waiting for some material I ordered off ebay I just got it day before yesterday after I filed a complaint with paypal. Funny how you can do that and they just decided to throw it in the mail the same day. But I have been power sewing Lauren's first day of Preschool outfit. I so love how it turned out lots of appliques and twirl. She loves it! I will have the camera ready and hubby also I don't want to miss any good shots on her first day:)
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
We finally got a call from the school I wanted Lauren in. She gets to go to preschool this year. She is so excited to go. If you don't know us very well Lauren is a only child and there are no kids in our neighborhood. So she is pretty excited to go play with other children. I will be probably bawling my eyes out and not know what to do with myself as Lauren stayed home with me all and loved to be in my sewing room while I sewed. But she needs to go to school and be around other children her age:) So I will probably be MIA as I will be power sewing for her:) Tonight is meet the teacher so hope it goes well as Lauren is shy around adults she doesn't know but that is a good thing.:)
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Lauren says where is that big bad wolf

Lauren got the chance to work with by Sandy of i_mbornagain. I wanted to share Lauren as Little Red Riding Hood. If you have not seen Sandy's work it is Fab not a stitch out of place I was in ahhh when I seen it. I have to say I think Lauren makes the best Little Red Riding Hood there has ever been:)
Friday, August 24, 2007
So I have been on the hunt for hot pink shoes. I always have a hard time with Lauren as it seems every year her size is always sold out. But I wanted to share some places I found that I love so maybe you can find some cool shoes like I have found. The first place I was shocked to find cool shoes at a great price.
Then there is this place that has tons of shoes and they ship overnight for FREE
I have ordered from both of these places and they are fast! Plus they have shoes for mom also;) So if you have any fantastic places that are a good source let me know:)
Then there is this place that has tons of shoes and they ship overnight for FREE
I have ordered from both of these places and they are fast! Plus they have shoes for mom also;) So if you have any fantastic places that are a good source let me know:)
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Raspberry Bouche Ends tomorrow!!
Drawing for mailing list
I am offering a free Halloween T-shirt or Long sleeved T if you are on my mailing list. See the box over there to the right ->-> sigh up there and remeber that it is a double opt sign in so be sure to check you spam box and when you get your e-mail click on the link. I will be drawing a name on Aug 30th.
Relisted With a BIN

I relistedthis set with a Buy It Now or a Best Offer custom size 2T-8 but if you need a different size shoot me a e-mail and I will see what I can do.
Here is the link http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=170141611947&ssPageName=STRK:MESE:IT&ih=007
Monday, August 20, 2007
What does the say to make to you?
Sorry I have not posted in a couple days I have been sewing this great OOAK outfit(had just enough material for it) it was going to be a 5 piece set. Well say was as yesterday morning I am in my sewing room getting some things together. I turn around and Lauren is hacking my outfit with scissors. I had a model all lined up and everything. I yell Lauren NO and she starts crying as I scared her then I look and I almost cry. But I think I might be able to make Lauren a 2 piece set out of it. I usually keep the scissors up so she doesn't cut her hair but I was to tired and forgot to put them up.Boy there is always something going on here at my house LOL
Thursday, August 16, 2007
You know I think I am loving being groupless right now. There is no pressure and no drama and nobody getting on my nerves. I can make what I want if I want to do a launch I can always guest right. Yep thinking I am really like it LOL. So I have been sewing I am using a pale lavendar with a vintage feel to it something I have made before but each piece went with something else. It will be a OOAK as I have been cleaning out my fabric stash and I only had enough of the fabric to make one set. So is there any groupless designers out there that is loving it as much as me?
Monday, August 13, 2007
Raspberry Bouchee

We took pictures of my new set. I call it Raspberry Bouchee. Which means Raspberry BonBon. Lauren loved it and I am pretty happy with it also. What do you think?
Here is the link to it http://cgi.ebay.com/Custom-Boutqiue-Raspberry-Bouchee-Fall-Set-Sz-2-3T-OOAK_W0QQitemZ170139640816QQihZ007QQcategoryZ79714QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
Saturday, August 11, 2007
So I wanted to hear from the buyers. Do you like OOAK (one of a kind) outfits? If you were to bid ona OOAK would you be willing to pay more for the outfit if it was never going to be created again?
Friday, August 10, 2007
Locked Out
So yesterday I go outside and try some new things on my camera filters etc. I left the back door open incase Lauren wanted to come out. Well I forgot to unlock the knob Lauren comes out and yes closed the door. I was hot decided to go in and yep couldn't open the door. So I go around front get the key that is hidden and thinking I can get in the front door. Wrong hubby locked the dead bolt. I call hubby didn't answer cell. Call his shop and Mrs Debra answered I tell her I am locked out of the house. She said Hubby was at the accountant's office. Finally I was dying in the heat and Lauren was to. I walk barefoot down the street to our neighbors and thank goodness their son was home so we got to cool off. Hubby called yes he was not happy as he has his shop 40 min from or house. Well finally he made it home and let us in. Lauren then told me she did it so Daddy will come home early. I would not dare tell hubby that!
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Lauren Won
All you designers that are tring to get noticed might can relate with me. You creat this fab design and think o.k. this will be the one that makes me and everyone will love? But then you get nothing no bids no favorites nothing! You get so frustrated and about to through you hands up and give it up. Well I am at that spot and I told hubby last night if that suit doesn't get a bid that is it I give up. He said nooooooo I will not let you give up you are to good at what you do to give up. Hold your head up keep plugging away a group you want to be in will come. Gotta love hubby he encourages me sometimes. Also gotta love one of my best friends Cree of bowznstuff_boutique. I feel down I always IM or e-mail her and she always makes me feel better. I think I will start calling her my momma bird as she tucks me under her wing and helps me along the way. One day I will make it to her Country and see her and Hettie
Taking it Easy Today
Today will be a relaxing day for us. Lauren wants to play in the sprinkler I want to relax in the pool. We shall see who gets to do what we want which she will probably win as she will say Pleaseeee Mommy and I am such a sucker when she does that LOL. It has just been so hot here that it looks foggy and has been around 105 degrees all week. So I will have pictures of what we do today later
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
The Model

So my Lauren models for designers on ebay and websites. So we attempt to do some modeling yesterday for a designer on ebay. Well it didn't go so good. Anything and everything went wrong. We were doing o.k. for awhile untill there was a huge dog came in our yard and had it's hair up on it's back and barking at us. Lauren is scared to death of dogs and I have to admit I am scared of big dogs. Lauren climbed up my leg and I am trying to hold the camera and Lauren and scare this dog out of our way to get to the door. Well I scared the dog away. Then after that well the picture explains what kind of pictures I got.She just wanted to jump LOL. Today is a reshoot.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007

I listed this set yesterday custom size 2T-6 lots of detail to this set. I tried to capture all the details but since I am still learning I couldn't get the details like I wanted.
City Girl

I have been wanting to make this suit for about a year now. I finally got time to make it and I have to say this is my favorite design I have created yet.
Here is the link to it.http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=170135744227&ssPageName=STRK:MESE:IT&ih=007
Monday, August 6, 2007
Finally Decided to Blog
I'm new to blogging so please be patient with me while I figure all this out:) I am Johnett my daughter's name is Lauren. I design little girls clothing.
Here is my princess

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